Phoenix Medical Group Platinum Package

As low as SGD 761.91

Our Platinum Package provides a complete assessment to give you a full understanding of your health status. Suitable for people under 40 years of age.


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Product Details

Platinum Package Consists Of:

  • Full History & Physical Examination
  • Bone and Joint Profile — Rheumatoid Arthritis Factor
  • Cancer Markers Screen — AFP, CEA, CA 19.9, CA 15.3, CA125(♀), PSA (♂ )
  • Cardiac Risk Profile
  • Cholesterol Profile
  • Full Diabetic Screen
  • Full Kidney Function Profile
  • Full Liver Function Profile
  • Haematology Screen — Full blood count, ESR, Peripheral Blood Film
  • Hepatitis A and B Profile
  • STD Screen – HIV/VDRL
  • Thyroid Function Profile
  • Total Testosterone (♂ )
  • Urine / Stool Analysis — Urine FEME, Urine Microalbumin and Creatinine, Stool for Occult
  • Blood + FEME
  • Chest Radiograph (CXR)
  • Resting Electrograph ECG

Choose from any one of the following ultrasound:

  • Ultrasound Abdomen
  • Ultrasound Thyroid
  • Ultrasound Testes (♂ )
  • Ultrasound Breast (♀)
  • Ultrasound Pelvis (♀)
  • PAP Smear (thin prep, ♀)
  • Screening day consultation + Review consultation
  • Detailed Medical Report